Be Happy The Musical : will probably make you miserable

If you manage to sit through this whole movie, then the very thing you will certainly not be is Happy.

Veteran Spanish filmmaker Ventura Pons has gathered together a very impressive European cast that include the likes of  Sian Phillips, Vicky Peña, Gary Wilmot, Billy Cullum and the entire Mallorca Gay Men Chorus who all try to hide the very thin plot by bursting into song every single minute.  And all extremely unmemorable ones at that.

It all focuses on the relationship between two lovers, David  (Cullum) and Daniel (Toni Vallès), and their network of friends who wonder about the state of their romance.  It flitters between London and Barcelona and the involvement of two well-meaning Freudian psychiatrist are no real match  at all for David and his obsession with Grinder 

Maybe it all it got lost in the translation, but it is more likely the fact that Pons has ‘borrowed’ such cliched platitudes for his cast to uncomfortably trot out that you almost (!) wish they would burst into another inane song again.

It’s way too early to start compiling lists of the best movies of the year, but we know for sure that Be Happy will feature as one of the very worst ones.  Check out the trailer, and you’ll get a drift of what we mean



