
Queerguru’s James Judd finds little to sing about in THE COLOR PURPLE The Musical

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    Movie musicals are always a dicey proposition. Though studios have been cranking them out since Chicago took home the top honors at the Oscars in 2003, most have been forgettable. The Color Purple is the latest cinematic songfest to hit the big screen. At $100 million and with box office numbers surpassing industry … Continue reading

Queerguru returns to Miami and how it really looks sans DeSantis

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    Queerguru undertook its annual 4 day drive to emigrate from its summer HQ to its winter HQ.  They both have one thing in common THE SUN!  Actually, there’s a second reason that they are also friendly queer meccas.  The moment our Mazda says goodbye to Georgia and speeds past the ‘Welcome To Florida’ … Continue reading

Using ‘Boy Butter’ lubricant resulted in this hunky couple having a ‘happy ending’

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  Somehow we had never come across the personal lubricant brand, Boy Butter,  until now, but that is all about to change after seeing their heartstring-pulling TV advert.  It is the 3rd part of a love story trilogy between two of THE hottest men, Facundo Rodriguez and Jerreth Ludwig.   Check it out, and whilst we … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews Jacob Elodi in his 3rd starring role of 2023 in HE WENT THAT WAY

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    He Went That Way is the directorial debut by Jeffrey Darling, who sadly passed away just as he completed production on the film. Loosely based on a real-life event from Vietnam-era America in 1964, this dark and violent drama is a classic road movie in a long line of the genre. Zachary Quinto … Continue reading

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