
Queerguru returns to Miami and how it really looks sans DeSantis

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    Queerguru undertook its annual 4 day drive to emigrate from its summer HQ to its winter HQ.  They both have one thing in common THE SUN!  Actually, there’s a second reason that they are also friendly queer meccas.  The moment our Mazda says goodbye to Georgia and speeds past the ‘Welcome To Florida’ … Continue reading

Gay Day Anaheim Disney takes on both a special meaning & our thanks for not cowing to DeSantis

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  Years ago, when Disneyland closed early more often, they would occasionally rent the park out for private parties. One such party was a “Gay Night” and we attended, but we didn’t really love it: stores were closed, restaurants closed, no parade, no characters, no fireworks. It felt like less than the full Disneyland experience. … Continue reading

Has DeSantis inadvertently ‘outed’ Disney to finally become real LGBTQ+ supporters?

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  When the first  ‘unofficial’  Disney Gay Day was held in Florida in 1991  some 3000 LGBTQ+ peeps wearing red t-shirts turned up. By 1995 the event had grown to 10,000 and Disney had some of their team members outside the front gates giving out white T-shirts to unsuspecting straights who were also dressed in … Continue reading

Jack Plotnick’s brilliant spin on Disney will make poor Walt turn over in his grave

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    The comic genius Jack Plotnick so made our week with another of his blisteringly funny Disney spoofs.  This one entitled Disney Made a House of the Future  stars …….. well Jack actually p.ays ALL the parts.  The very wicked sense of humor from this multi-talented writer/director/ actor/ teacher/  mentor is a sheer joy … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews “Billy Flanagan : The (alleged) Happiest Man on Earth

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  According to Google, when most people think of the happiest man on earth a certain Tibetan monk comes to mind. And if you read up on him, you’ll discover why he deserves the title, and why he is not the subject of this meandering oddball documentary. The subject is in fact a song and … Continue reading

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