
  • Gay ‘Traditional’ Arranged Marriages

    Gay ‘Traditional’ Arranged Marriages

    queerguru had never imagined that when we all fought and won the right for same-sex marriage that we would end up embracing ALL the same traditions that heterosexuals have practiced for years.  We are not talking here about things like dressing all our unmarried girlfriends in garishly colored ‘unfortunate’ bridesmaids dresses, but something much more fundamental…

  • Son of a Preacher Man

      Openly gay singer/songwriter Tom Goss draws on his own experience as a one time student at Catholic Seminary for his powerful and beautiful new take on Dusty Springfield’s classic from 1968 ‘The Son of Preacher Man’.  In the video Goss tells the story of two gay teens coming to terms with both their sexuality and…

  • Eddie Redmayne Asks For Help

    Eddie Redmayne Asks For Help

    Oscar winning actor and all-round good egg Eddie Redmayne was in Los Angeles recently hoping that he may collect a second Academy Award for his stunning portrayal of the transgender artist Lili Elbe in The Danish Girl. Ms Elbe in real life was one of first people in the world to undergo gender re-alignment surgery.…

  • Vote For Jake ….. please!

    Vote For Jake ….. please!

    Still looking to do your good deed for the day?  Then here’s the perfect one for you.  Jake Graf : filmmaker, queer activist ,  actor   (and queerquru’sfriend) is the very first transman ever to be nominated as LGBT Celebrity Rising Star in the British LGBT 2016 Awards. We had the pleasure of interviewing him…