
Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews DESIRE LINES ‘an inclusive celebration of gay trans men and gay trans-masculine lives’

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    “Can a vagina be masculine?” This, and many more thought-provoking questions, are posed by interviewer/director Jules Rosskam, in his innovative new documentary Desire Lines, which examines the lives of trans men who also became gay men after transitioning. Rosskam’s film, which premiered this week at Sundance, combines drama with documentary. Iranian-American trans man … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Top Picks of the best TRANS MOVIES of 2023

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    Since we started QUEERGURU in 2015 there has been a very significant increase in the number of films made about the transgender/gender-queer community.  They are not only very informative and entertaining but each of them makes their own significant contribution to the continuing dialogue about LGBTQ communities as a whole.  We need these … Continue reading

Can AN AVOCADO PIT a shortlisted film by trans filmmaker Ary Zara, and producer Elliot Page make OSCAR History ?

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    Academy Award acting nominee   and the first openly trans man to appear on the cover of Time, Elliot Page is one of the creative forces behind AN AVOCADO PIT that has been shortlisted for a 2024 Academy® Award.  The filmmaker Ary Zara is the first trans person to be considered for the Oscars’ Live … Continue reading

Panorama Queer and Transgender Film Festival : Dec 29/31st : Peacock Essex Museum Salem, Mass

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    Over the next three days the third annual Panorama Film Festival, featuring 19 films by an international array of queer and trans filmmakers under 30 is happening at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem Mass. Created by Queer Videography, the Panorama festival offers a home for the next generation of queer cinema and … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews MONICA an intense, touching drama about end-of-life family reconciliation.

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      Monica is an intense, touching drama about end-of-life family reconciliation. Monica (Trace Lysette) is a glamorous thirty-something, red convertible car-driving, long auburn-haired woman living in California, having left her rural mid-Western roots behind. She works as a masseuse and an online sex worker. She’s cool and guarded, and lives a fairly singular … Continue reading

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