DANI TORRENT ‘Intimacy’ a new stunning body of work at Eric Lesh Gallery, Provincetown
Two years ago New York Lawyer Eric Lesh made a major life change swapping his role \working for Lambda Legal where he was recognized as one of the 40 Best LGBTQ+ Lawyers Under 40 by the National LGBT Bar Association to fulfill a long held dream. He is also a portrait and…
Queerguru talks with actor/writer JEFFREY SOLOMON about his smash hit play MOTHER/SON : must see viewing for EVERY gay man
You don’t have be Jewish to relate to actor/writer Jeffrey Solomon‘s funny and extremely affectionate biographical play MOTHER/SON, but if you are a gay man with your own memories of ‘coming out’ to your Mother, you are going to LOVE it. Solomon wrote it just after his own mother passed almost 25 years and it…
The phenomenal success of PTowns FROLIC WEEKEND seems to just keep growing
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Frolic Weekend (@frolicweekend) One of the (many) reasons that Queerguru moves lock stock and barrel to Provincetown every summer is the sheer diversity of this small Massachusetts town at the very tip of Cape Cod , Since we first drove up here in…
Actor/writer JACOB STORMS talks about his award winning play ‘Tennessee Rising – The Dawn of Tennessee Williams’
Actor/writer JACOB STORMS is performing his award-winning one man play Tennessee Rising – The Dawn of Tennessee Williams at the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival as part of a Fall Tour. The play is set in the 1940’s when Williams was living in Provincetown furiously writing and falling in and out of…