
Queerguru reviews MERCHANT IVORY a celebration of the work and lives of the queer pioneer filmmakers

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  Stephen Soucy’s new documentary MERCHANT IVORY is one of those rare films that actually surpasses all the hype and the anticipation that preceded it.   This affectionate profile on the legendary queer film pioneers makes for such joyous viewing.  Especially if you are of a certain age (!) and grew up on the splendor of … Continue reading

Merchant Ivory : a compelling doc about the genius filmmaking couple who were also life partners

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    Director James Ivory and producer Ismail Merchant were one of the most successful filmmaker partnerships ever. Together they made 44 movies since 1985 and their incredible resume includes such masterpieces as Shakespeare Wallah, A Room With A View, Howards End, The Remains Of A Day. They were also life partners and privately lived openly … Continue reading

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