
Queerguru reviews THROUPLE a fab queer rom-com about to have its World Premiere at Wicked Queer

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  I have to admit to part intrepidation and part excitement when it came to watching Greyson Horst‘s debut THROUPLE about to have ts World Premiere at Boston’s Wicked Queer Film Festival. A throuple, or menage a trois as the French call it,  is defined in the dictionary as  “a relationship between three people characterized … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews ‘PETIT MAL’ an interesting study of both queer throuple and long-distance relationships.

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  There are three stages to a romantic relationship. Stage one is where you avoid farting in front of each other. Stage two is when you don’t mind farting in front of each other and stage three is when you fart in front of each other on purpose! The lesbian throuple in director Ruth Caudeli’s … Continue reading

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