
Getting Bi

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We probably shouldn’t like this un-politically correct musical number from the TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend currently playing on the CW Network, but this song about being bi-sexual is so bad that it is actually good.  If that makes any sense. Darryl, played by Pete Gardner, is a middle-aged lawyer and a father of one who … Continue reading


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Mark and Sylvia are a couple of successful thirty-something-year-olds in New York who are going through a rough patch in their relationship.  Bad sex leads to tense talks and subsequently a fight which ends when Sylvia blurts out that she has being sleeping with one of her co-workers. The fact he is really hot doesn’t … Continue reading

I Am Happiness on Earth

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Mexican filmmaker Julián Hernández’s  latest cinematic treat is essentially a film within a film. It’s protagonist Emiliano is an openly gay director who’s current movie that we see in progress on screen involves filming real-life dancer Gloria Conterras and some of her students. It soon becomes apparent that Emiliano’s interests in the dancers go way beyond … Continue reading

Appropriate Behaviour

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For Shirin, a twenty-something-year-old angst ridden fashionable Brooklynite, life is mess. We don’t need to feel sorry for her, as she does that so well herself. She is reluctantly breaking up with Maxine her girlfriend and leaving the home they shared with little more than a strapon dildo. She is moving into a shabby squalid … Continue reading

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