
Valentina : a (happy) trans coming out story

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  Valentina  is a very impressive feature film debut from Brazilian writer/director  Cássio Pereira dos Santos that tells the heartbreaking coming-of-age story of a transgender teenager.  It starts with teenage Valentina (Thiessa Woinbackk) being unable to get into a night club with her friends because her official ID card still lists her with her male … Continue reading

Alice Junior : a trans teenager who knows exactly what she wants

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  Filmmaker Gil Baroni’s latest movie, fresh from its glowing reception at the Berlinale earlier this year is yet another example of how innovative and sublime queer movies made in Brazil really are. His tale of a vibrant trans teenager who refuses to be bowed down by any transphobia is like a breath of fresh … Continue reading

FIRST DAY for a transgender girl at High School @ HULU

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  Full credit to the Australian TV Channel ABC ME for both their insight and judgement for producing this excellent children’s TV mini series FIRST DAY  about a transgender girl’s first year of high school.   Originally an award winning short film,  it stars transgender actor Evie Macdonald as Hannah, who must face the challenges that … Continue reading

The Queens who all want to be Miss Continental

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  It’s a bit of mystery why it took several  years for filmmaker Mark Saxenmeyer to get his documentary The Queens finally released.  It’s a powerful story of a fascinating slice of queer history although it so poorly edited that it so often fails to  do  justice to all the ‘girls’ sharing their remarkable stories, … Continue reading

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