
Changing The Game: the trials and triumphs of three trans teen athletes

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Michael Barnett’s thought-provoking documentary about the trials and triumphs of trans teenager athletes was made in the Trump era where society was encouraged to express rampant transphobia.  In fact, violently oppose everything that was not about white cis-gendered men. Whilst the topic of trans sportsmen and women may surface in the media quite often, it … Continue reading

Trans In Trumpland

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  Just 4 days after American/Iranian filmmaker Tony Zosherafatain finished his transitioning, Trump was elected President.  Despite his occasional rhetoric about wanting to be the President for all Americans, what followed was the most divisive and hate-ridden four years in our country’s history. Some of the worst hit were the transgender community which Trump and … Continue reading

Boys on Film 21 : Peccadillo series of Queer Shorts comes of Age.

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Stay home, stay safe, and treat yourself. Peccadillo Boys on Film 21 comes of age with a polished set of shorts that are almost poems, marking the small moments that make histories.  MEMOIRS OF A GEEZA (UK, 4 mins) Dir. Theo James Krekis.  A playful start with an ode to the theme that “perception is … Continue reading

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