
Netflix’s period crime drama BODIES stars Kyle Stoller as the most handsome (closeted) detective

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  Bodies is a new Brit TV series about four detectives in four different time periods of London who find themselves investigating the same murder.  In it, Kyle Soller plays Detective Inspector Hillinghead who is seen in the aftermath of discovering the body in 1890. As he questions a photographer, Henry Ashe (George Parker), who … Continue reading

Out To Kill

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Within a few minutes of the opening sequence of Rob Williams latest gay ‘boy-lit’ drama you know exactly who everybody will be out to kill. Narcissistic pretty boy singer Justin James thinks the world revolves him, and it certainly seems to in this loft apartment complex packed head to toe with insecure gay men in … Continue reading

The Drop

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This wonderful new crime thriller written by Denis Lehane (‘Mystic River’,’Gone Baby Gone’) set in Boston his hometown, is the story of Bob a solitary loner who is a bartender is his cousin Marv’s bar. Well the name over the door is still Marv’s but after he got heavily into debt gambling, he was forced to … Continue reading

Queen of Amsterdam aka Chez Nous

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This delightful feel-good Dutch gay movie has blended elements of  ‘Mission Impossible’ with those of ‘La Cage Aux Follies’ that results in a very camp and decidedly old-fashioned jewel-heist comic caper. It all starts at the Chez Nous Bar in Voetboogstraat Alley in the center of Amsterdam where Bertie is the reigning Drag Queen on the … Continue reading

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