
And Then There Was Eve

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  Savannah Bloch ‘s   feature film directing debut (which she also co-wrote with Colette Freedman) is an intriguing drama which requires us to be circumspect with our review to avoid giving away the major surprising plot twist. This is the story of Alyssa (Tania Nolan) a successful photographer who wakes up one morning to find … Continue reading

Erik & Erika

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  Erik and Erika is the dramatization of the extraordinary life story of Austrian World Skiing Champion Erika Schinegger who relinquished her title when she finally became Erik. Born in 1948 to a farmer’s wife, as the baby had no physical signs of any genitalia, the midwife declared that she was a girl, and the family … Continue reading


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  When filmmaker Derek Hallquist started his documentary Denial it focused on his father David the CEO of Vermont Electric Corp and his impassioned views on climate change and transitioning the industry to adequately deal with an ever changing world.  Hallquist Snr was so committed to renewable energy and converting the Grid to sources of … Continue reading

Man Made

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  Trans filmmaker T Cooper’s new documentary follows four men as they prepare to compete in Trans Fit Con the only bodybuilding competition in the US  specifically for the trans community.  The contest rules simply state that everyone must identify as trans and as such they allow contestants to enter regardless at what point they are of their … Continue reading

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