
Trade : a melodrama about accepting your real identity

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The sophomore film from writer/director/producer Trae Briers is a story about how a casual meeting between two very different men turned into a melodrama that not one of them could have predicted. Michael (Austin Miller) is a highly successful corporate lawyer who lives in a luxurious villa on the beach in Malibu with Ashley  (Tiffany … Continue reading

The Most Dangerous Year : for the transgender community

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  One of the most important aspects of working towards both acceptance and equal nights for the transgender community is sheer visibility.  As Vlada Knowlton’s excellent new documentary points out so much of the hatred and fear is based on ignorance of people who have yet to encounter or have an exchange with  trans adult … Continue reading

The Garden Left Behind

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  This new and completely mesmerising movie from queer Latinx filmmaker Flavio Alves makes such a crucial contribution to the continuing dialogue on the transgender community. This story that traces the relationship between Tina (Carlie Guevara) a young, Latina, trans woman and Eliana (Miriam Cruz) her grandmother, as they navigate Tina’s transition and struggle brings … Continue reading

GIRL : Lukas Dhont’s Award Winning Cannes Debut

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  One of the best received feature film debuts at the Cannes Film Festival was Belgian writer/director Lukas Dhont whose film Girl picked up both Caméra d’Or award, for best first feature film, as well as the Queer Palm. It is the  transitioning story of teenage Lala (Victor Polster) who has always dreamed of being a ballerina … Continue reading

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