
Im Moshanty: Do You Love Me?

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  Queer filmmaker Tim Wolff’s delightful documentary of the larger-than-life singer/activist Moshanty is quite the wee gem. It is not only an affectionate  tribute to one of Papua New Guinea’s most famous citizens, but an insightful glimpse into how she is treated as a transgender in this fiercely conservative Christian country. Before we even meet … Continue reading

The Lady & The Dale : the remarkable story of pioneer transwoman Elizabeth Carmichael

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  The Duplass Brothers started out originally producing  low-budget mumblecore films, before progressing on to some really good comedies such as Safety Not Guaranteed and The Skeleton Twins.  Now in what is seemingly like another 180 turn they have produced a four-part bio-doc on trans pioneer Elizabeth Carmichael for HBO.  Mind you there are a … Continue reading

Draw With Me : the touching tale of a trans teen

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  We are always writing in Queerguru that giving trans issues as much visibility as possible can only help progress acceptance and understanding for this part of our community.  Any and every contribution to the continuing dialogue is always welcomed,  none  more so than “Draw With Me “a new short film sponsored by The Trevor … Continue reading

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