
Judy Shepard : There was so much more to Matt than the way he died.

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Judy Shepard is an extraordinary woman. In 1998 her eldest son Matthew a 21-year-old student at the University of Wyoming was tied to a fence outside of the town of Laramie, beaten mercilessly and left to die.   This particular pernicious hate-crime caught the public’s attention, and news of his death provoked outrage from Wyoming to … Continue reading

"Aids Is Still Being Ignored" says Larry Kramer

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To mark Worlds Aid Day we wanted to re-release this interview that queerguru hosted for Provincetown TV earlier this summer with the leading gay activist and author Larry Kramer. We met to celebrate the launch of Jean Carlomusto’s new documentary “Larry Kramer In Love and Anger” that was about to aired on HBO as part of … Continue reading

Sergio Tovar Velarde talks Cuatro Lunas … and love and life ….

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Last summer we got to preview a movie that was so wonderfully refreshing that it blew our socks off and we felt the need to share the news even before it was released.  31-year-old Mexican writer /director Sergio Tovar Velarde’s remarkable film Cuatro Lunas aka Four Moons chronicled four stories about love, heartbreak and self-acceptance. What … Continue reading

Mark Christopher : from Farm Boy to New Queer Cinema Filmmaker

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This summer queerguru got to sit down to talk with Mark Christopher the writer and director of one of the most successful LGBT movies of the year  54 The Directors Cut.  Mark talked to us about how he went from being a farmboy in Ohio driving a tractor singing showtunes (!) to become what critic B.Ruby … Continue reading

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