QUEER FILM NACHT : One night a month 40 cinemas in Germany & Austria show a new queer film
Queerguru takes its hat off and salutes the German and Austrian Film Industry who collectively insure that no matter where you live in this part of Europe, then at least once a month you will get the opportunity to sse a new queer film.. Queer Film Night takes place regularly in over 40 cinemas…
We need to show the convicted felon in The White House that we are FURIOUS FAGGOTS and we will Fight Back!
One of the (very many) reasons QUEERGURU spends each summer in Provincetown. the gay mecca of Cape Cod, is that we get to hang out with Adam Singer the man (and the passion) behind ADAMS NEST. He claims to be one of the best kept secrets straight outta Ptown, but that’s way too…
How self-loathing must you be as an LGBTQA+ cheerleader for this President and Government? Like CAITLYN JENNER + Log Cabin Republicans
How self-loathing must you be to act as cheerleader fot a President and Government not only refuse to acknowledge you as person but is doing its utmost to destroy the community you are a part off? We’re talking about the retired Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete Caitlyn Jenner who has just issued a statment …
Chicago’s Gerber + Hart Library presents Hal Shipman’s “Forbidden Love at the Desert’s Edge”
“Forbidden Love at the Desert’s Edge” presents Hal Shipman’s innovative photography-based work, inspired by found archives. The opening reception will feature an artist’s talk with Shipman and an opportunity to discuss family secrets, lost archives and the inspirations behind his works. The exhibit includes selections from the Gerber/Hart collections; featuring hidden stories, precious found artifacts and loves denied. Hal…