QUEER FILM NACHT : One night a month 40 cinemas in Germany & Austria show a new queer film
Queerguru takes its hat off and salutes the German and Austrian Film Industry who collectively insure that no matter where you live in this part of Europe, then at least once a month you will get the opportunity to sse a new queer film.. Queer Film Night takes place regularly in over 40 cinemas…
David Hockney kept himself busy during Covid by creating a 314′ frieze
“> So how did David Hockney, one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century, while away his time during the Covod lockdown? Well. he decamped to his house in Normandy, and he took the opportunity to watch and record the changing seasons on his iPad. The stunning result is 200…
The Invisibles : the story of Jews who hid from the Nazis in Berlin in WW2
The Invisibles is an intriguing hybrid docudrama that bears witness to the number of German Jews who chose to go into hiding rather than being captured by the Nazis in WW2. In 1943 Goebbels the Reich Minister of Propaganda of Germany declared that after all the purges there were no Jews left in Berlin. …
My Wonderful West Berlin
Jochen Hick’s intriguing look back at gay life in Berlin up to the present day paints an affectionate portrait of Germany’s capital city, but at the same time, it doesn’t shy away from pointing out that sometimes it is not always perfect. After WW2 the city was literally in ruins and the focus of its…