
LAST CALL SOUTH FLORIDA : A History of 1001 LGBTQ-Friendly Taverns, Haunts & Hangouts:

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  I always tell my friends back in the UK. that I moved to Miami’s South Beach some 25 years  for all the wrong reasons.  This destination has a dazzling blend of glamour, sophistication and unyielding spirit,  but what attracted us most was  sheer diversity of the queer community that we loved the best.  To … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews CALENDAR GIRLS the story of an amateur dance troupe of ‘mature’ women in Florida

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Calendar Girls is one of those reality-type documentaries that profile a small group of people who share an ‘odd’ lifestyle that makes voyeurs of us all. As we look slightly dumbfounded at what is on the screen, we try and conjure up what aliens would think of our planet if this were the first people … Continue reading

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