
TONY MENTEL is announced as the winner of this years’ Madame F Queer Britain Art Award

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    Queer Britain London’s youngest musuem and the only LGBTQ+ museum in the UK  just announced that Tony Mentel was the winner of this years’ Madame F Queer Britain Art Award for his work View from Dukes Mound.  This is the 3rd year of the now annual Award given by  wine brand Madame F  … Continue reading

Madame F : Queer Britain Art Award

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    We rarely hear anything from QUEER BRITAIN, the UK’s first and only LGBTQ+ museum, so we are guessing that their Madame F Queer Britain Art Award is a big thing.  The  Award celebrates queer creativity in artists: pride, passion, inclusivity and originality.  140 artists submitted illustrations, paintings, or drawings that celebrate the theme … Continue reading

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