
  • An ‘infamous’ queer London publc toilet aka ‘cottage’ gets turned into a stylish Wine Bar

    An ‘infamous’ queer London publc toilet aka ‘cottage’ gets turned into a stylish Wine Bar

      Many Brit gay man grew up with a fascination for cottages.  Well at least the self containd puluc toilets resembling small cottages in their appearance .  Plus what we Brits also love ore double-entendres so these cottages gave birth to the word ‘cottaging’ referring to seeking anonymous sexual encounters in these public toilets.   What still…

  • Cottaging at the World Trade Center

    Cottaging at the World Trade Center

      In the UK it is known as “cottaging“.  In the US the same practice is called Tearoom Trade.  Either way is what we call one of the favorite pastimes of so many many gay men, including George Michael, for cruising for sex in public places.   Its been going on for more than decades, with…