
The Storm : One Voice From the AIDS Generation by Christopher Zyda

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It is doubtful that anyone outside Christopher Zyda’s personal circle of friend or business associates could identify him as an author.  Memoirs are usually attached to some kind of adjacent celebrity or renown in own’s chosen field.  Though unknown, he has quite a story to share. Raised in typical, middle-class, Southern California, his early years … Continue reading

This Queer House : a disappointing attempt to explore some important themes

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  This Queer House  ☆☆ The Vaults Festival The show has an intriguing premise; Ollie (played by Liv Ello) and Leah (played by Humaira Iqbal) are a young queer couple who have inherited a large old house and a joint renovation project begins. Time progresses, and they struggle to settle into their new home, the … Continue reading

Thomas Mahy gives a pitch perfect performance for his London stage debut in VINCENT RIVER

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  When Vincent River first starts you believe that Anita (Louise Jameson Dr. Who, Eastenders) and Davey (Thomas Mahy making his London stage debut) are total strangers but the realization of familiarity dawns quickly and uneasily. This is the first time they have met although Anita has seen Davey various times at a distance since the death of her … Continue reading

ULTRAVIOLET : by Kkweer Arts a non-profit dedicated to amplifying queer artists in London UK

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  Much is said about the reduction globally in the number of queer bars and clubs, and whilst that is true – for the various reasons of which we are all aware – queer art, film, theatre and performance is thriving in an unprecedented manner. London remains a world leader in queer culture with both … Continue reading

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