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Coffee Talk : a funny new gay Web Series

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Skyrider Films an international alliance of LGBTQ-friendly writers and filmmakers who produce entertaining short films with a social message, have launched a rather wonderful new anthology web-series that has had us chuckling for days. ‘COFFEE TALK‘ is about college friends who obsess over the latest gay hot-button issues over a couple of coffee. Often one … Continue reading

Boy Meets Girl : a new groundbreaking BBC sitcom

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The B.B.C., the public service broadcaster of the UK and in fact the world’s oldest national broadcasting organisation, has an unimpeachable record for not just being one of the most reliable source for news, but also one that is always at the forefront of chronicling the major changes in our society and culture. It’s announcement … Continue reading

Margaret Cho says F–K fashion and ‘designers’ that body shame.

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In one of the better pourings of disgust to the homophobic and misogynistic remarks from the Patrick Couderc the UK Managing Director of the Herve Leger fashion brand in an interview with ‘The Daily Mail’, outspoken comedian Margaret Cho summed it up perfectly on twitter with ‘Fuck fashion and designers that body shame.’ Couderc gave … Continue reading

Rugby Player Keegan Hirst : I’m Gay.’

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British professional rugby player 27 year old Keegan Hirst made giant waves in the media when he become the first ever league player to ‘come out’ as gay. Hirst, a father of two, candidly recounted to ‘The Sunday Mirror’ that his decision to go public about his sexuality because he wanted to alleviate the guilt … Continue reading

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