
Can AI really create good queer stories : check out STRAIGHT BEST FRIEND

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    The storyline of the new web series STRAIGHT BEST FRIEND is one so many of us can relate to.  It’s all about a gay man’s adult friendship with his straight adolescent crush.  However, what makes this potential cliche tale unusual is that it was created in Singapore which only last year repealed its … Continue reading

(Falling for your) Straight Best Friend : a new queer web series from Singapore

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  So about to hit our screens is a new three-episode web series from Singapore called STRAIGHT BEST FRIEND. Sean Foo, one of the out queer actors in the series, called falling for your straight best friend “one of the oldest clichés in the gay book” but also “one of the most torturous things that … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviewed #LookAtMe : when a Singaporean YouTuber publicly defends his gay twin all hell lets loose

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  #LookAtMe is the latest film by Singaporean film director Ken Kwek. Inspired by similar real-life events, Kwek explores the effects Singapore’s anti-gay laws, discrimination, surveillance, and human rights issues have on a mother and her two sons.  Sean and Ricky Mazuki (both played by Yao) are twins in their late teens who live with … Continue reading

ELSKA Magazine visits SINGAPORE where finally it is no longer illegal to be gay

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  As a former British Colony SINGAPORE inherited a great many of the laws imposed on them by its British rulers. One prohibited sodomy regardless of sex and as such heterosexual and homosexual anal or oral sex was illegal. In 2007, such sexual activity was legalized for heterosexuals and lesbians, but not between men who … Continue reading

Two More (ex British Colonies) finally legalize homosexuality

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  It’s just been a matter of weeks since we wrote Being Gay is still ILLEGAL in 35 Countries in the British Commonwealth we are happy to report that number has seen a small, but significant decrease.  This past monday the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court struck down sections 56 and 57 of the Offences Against The Person … Continue reading

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