
Alexis Gregory has woven various themes together beautifully in his compelling performance in RIOT ACT

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Riot Act ☆☆☆☆ The Kings Head Theatre Alexis Gregory bounds on stage like an excitable puppy and delivers a masterclass in the oral tradition. His latest piece (following sold-out Sex-Crime previously reviewed here) presents the verbatim record of his interviews with three gay men. Each has a tale to tell and Michael-Anthony Nozzi’s is absolutely … Continue reading

Jonny Ward reviews GUY THE MUSICAL which promises much but woefully under delivers.

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GUY THE MUSICAL ☆ The Bunker Theatre 20th June 2018   Guy the Musical promises much but woefully under delivers. Its subject matter has great potential examining the harsh world of app-based hook-ups – as the programme notes state its ‘the sexier side of the zeitgeist’. We meet Guy a ‘gay, fat, socially awkward millennial who’s … Continue reading

Jonny Ward reviews HOT GAY TIME MACHINE an hilarious cabaret from two hyperactive homos in leopard print bodysuits.

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HOT GAY TIME MACHINE  ☆☆☆  The Other Palace (Studio)   Hot Gay Time Machine is an hilarious cabaret from two hyperactive homos in leopard print bodysuits.  Even before the show starts and accompanied by banging party pop (Womanizer by Britney and Bang Bang by Jessie, Ariane, and Nicki – because you wanted to know didn’t … Continue reading

Jonny Ward reviews SAN DOMINO : an evocative production that weaves the themes of love, loss, betrayal, and reconciliation.

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San Domino  ☆☆☆☆ Tristan Bates Theatre San Domino is an extraordinary true story about how gay men in Italy were rounded up during the fascist pre-war period and sent to detention camps on the island fortress of San Domino. It’s a hot sultry night and Carlo is getting his club ready for another evening of music … Continue reading

Peter Harrington reviews The Unbuilt City ‘a rather deep and fascinating tale’

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SANDRA DICKINSON & JONATHAN CHAMBERS IN THE UNBUILT CITY AT KING’S HEAD THEATRE  ☆☆ On a cold afternoon in February, Jonah knocks on the door of a townhouse in Brooklyn Heights.  He’s come to ask Claudia to sell her famously secret collection to a university archive. But in order to do that, he’ll have to persuade her … Continue reading

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