
“A short but powerful play” : Jonny Ward reviews IN CONVERSATION WITH GRAHAM NORTON

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  In Conversation with Graham Norton ☆☆☆ The Hope Theatre The programme notes tells us firmly that Graham Norton does not appear in this Production. I can believe it as I take the rickety stairs up to the tiny theatre space (tonight the capacity is just 25 people) above the Hope & Anchor pub. I … Continue reading

Jonny Ward reviews EXTRA VIRGIN “Big on emotional dynamite”

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  Extra Virgin  ☆☆☆☆ Above the Stag   Expectations rise on taking our seats for Extra Virgin as we hear, piped over the house sound system, the song “Something tells me (something is gonna happen tonight)” by Cilla Black. It’s a joy to hear such a classic/trashy track again and the play does indeed open … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Jonny Ward reviews COMING CLEAN “a gem of a production”

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  COMING CLEAN ☆☆☆☆ Trafalgar Studios There was a time, long, long ago, when the possibility of gay marriage was not yet a twinkle in even the most optimistic gay mans eye. Indeed from the birth of the gay rights movement in the 60’s right through to the 80’s and the Aids crisis , gay … Continue reading

Jonny Ward’s ☆☆☆☆ review of ALADDIN : ‘a great night out’

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A Lad In Soho ☆☆☆☆ Karma Sanctum Hotel The basement room of a mid range hotel in London’s Soho is not the first place you would expect to find a raucous gay panto. For those not from the UK, firstly an explanation of the British eccentricity that is Pantomime. Its roots go back to Victorian … Continue reading

Jonathan Kemp’s ☆☆☆☆☆ of Peter Groom’s “truly magical” Dietrich: Natural Duty

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  Peter Groom, Dietrich: Natural Duty  ☆☆☆☆☆ Wilton’s Music Hall, London What is the enduring appeal of Marlene Dietrich? What makes her still so bewitching? Especially to queers? Peter Groom’s one (wo)man show Dietrich: Natural Duty, currently on at Wilton’s Music Hall in East London, certainly goes some way to answering that. The ethereal beauty, … Continue reading

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