
Passion on the Night Tube: The Story of a Fabulous Homeless Man on the Jubilee Line

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  Passion on the Night Tube ☆☆☆ ☆ The Vaults Festival, London The LGBTQ community can be vile and racist. It is a microcosm of the wider society and all its prejudices and ignorance so this should not be surprising. Why it hurts disproportionately is because it is supposed to be a place of refuge … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden intrepidly goes down a dark London alley to review MOTHER

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  Mother at the Network Theatre ☆☆☆ The Vault Festival London Cursed with the worst of all the Vault Festival venues, away from the main campus, down a side street only accessed via a fire exit that requires a guide to find, the Mother team’s improv skills come in handy in incorporating disgruntled latecomers into … Continue reading

Body Talk : The Odd Throuple find each other

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Body Talk ☆☆☆☆ Full Disclosure Theatre  The Vault Festival, London  Body Talk opens with three semi naked bodies standing on stage. Before the story starts their bodies are already telling tales on them. Those stories hang in the air around them like the worst kind of gossip even before we hear a word of David … Continue reading

The Bitch Can Heal : this bitch is exhausting and worth the effort

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  This Bitch Can Heal  ☆☆☆ The Vault Festival Did you have a new year’s resolution to get healthy? If so by the end of January you will have learnt that there is a reason gym classes last just under an hour. It’s about all a human can take of pushing yourself to your limit. Perhaps … Continue reading

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