Rotting in the Sun is a dark comedy-drama, co-written and directed by Sebastian Silva (The Maid, Magic Magic, Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus), featuring himself and hot gay comedian/influencer Jordan Firstman, both of whom play themselves. It’s in part a queer version of a Larry David Curb Your Enthusiasm episode and in other … Continue reading
Born in Barcelona and currently based in Berlin, Noel Alejandro is an independent filmmaker and alternative adult films director whose work explores pornography as a tool to question society’s old standards. His films go beyond the explicit, being set to live in a blend between cinema and erotica. Noel’s force strives for a more sensitive … Continue reading
Four years we came across a remarkable queer French artist called Marc Martin whose Exhibition ‘Public Toilets, Private Affairs’ was opening at Berlin’s LGBT Schwules Museum. He was bringing the topic of ‘cottaging ” right out into the open with this exhibition book that was almost like a celebration of this illicit activity. He had … Continue reading
Movies are often stories adapted from a stage drama, a novel, or a memoir but this is probably the first time we have come across based on a string of Twitter posts. This was the story of a very unusual road trip in 2015 by A’Ziah-Monae “Zola” King that was subsequently detailed in a … Continue reading
The brainchild of creative director and photographer,Eli Schmidt, Frock the World is a high-end publication devoted to providing an uncensored space for queer culture. The name’s potentially misleading, given that there’s virtually nothing about frocks, After Volume One (Physical Sensation), this second issue is dedicated to fantasy because, as Schmidt says, “after a long … Continue reading