Thursday, October 10th, 2024

GAY PRIDE AND NO PREJUDICE : David Kirby Kendall’s compelling new play of queer identity and acceptance opens at London’s Union Theatre


Brit actor/writer David Kirby Kendall’s new play that opened in Last Night at London’s Union Theatre is based on Jane Austen’s classic romantic-comedy of manners Pride and Prejudice.   At first glance is may appear that this an odd source of material for a queer drama, but set in  early 19th century England it so perfectly natural as  it explores  themes of queer identity and gender equality.  Gay Pride and No Prejudice uses the poignant and humorous trials of its protagonists navigating love and societal expectations and for this tale of two men and one woman navigating the tumultuous waters of love and acceptance. 

The protagonists, Darcy (Michael Gillette) and Bingley (Noah Butt), share a bond that has grown from innocent childhood camaraderie into a deeper, more complex love. However, as they transition into adulthood in 1812, they find themselves shackled by society’s stringent prohibitions against same-sex relationships. For Darcy, the risk of declaring his love for Bingley carries the potential for profound rejection and ostracism. Will the self-righteous few, who have co-opted the authority of both divine and democratic judgement, strip him of his place in society?

Meanwhile, Bingley grapples with making an impossible decision. Torn between the superficial happiness associated with an orthodox union with Jane (Sophie Bradley) and the authentic love he feels for Darcy, Bingley’s inner conflict embodies the era’s oppressive social mores. It is his journey towards self-realisation and courage that ultimately takes centre stage in this compelling narrative.

Kirby Kendall’s play  resonates with contemporary audiences while honoring the enduring human spirit’s quest for love and freedom. 

It also reinforces our pride in knowing that London is still the leader of queer theatre around the globe in both quality and quantity.  Book your flight now!!! 

Gay Pride and No Prejudice is directed by Luke Fredericks and is on from 8 October to 2 November 
at Union Theatre, London SE1 


Posted by queerguru  at  11:22


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