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Searching for the Last Lesbian Bars in America

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BroadlyVice.com host JD Samson travels across the US searching for the last lesbian bars in this fascinating and insightful investigation to try to discover why almost all of them are shutting up shop.  Her journey starts in the queer mega-capital San Francisco where The Lexington the last of the eight women’s bars that the city once … Continue reading

Smoking Hot Tom Goss and his new Video

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Openly gay singer/songwriter Tom Goss launched the release of his new music video ‘Breath and Sound’ which features Matt Alber through The Huffington Post last week telling them  it is ‘about three couples as they experience each other sexually for the first time. It’s really hot!’  He’s so right on that, as we’ve seen it, … Continue reading

David Beckham and James Corden's New Underwear LIne

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The more we see of James Corden the more we love.  Well, not literally.  The British comedian has taken the US by storm with his no-holds-barred hilarious hosting of TV’s The Late Late Show. He has discarded most of the tired and somewhat cliched routines of his predecessors  that used to fill our screens late … Continue reading

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