Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Banished by the Bigots of YOU TUBE …. but with your continued support QUEERGURU is Bouncing Back


Last week in a rare opinion piece, QUEERGURU raised its grave concern about how queer sites like ours are now the target of self-appointed censors of public morality who are determined to inflict their personal (religious) beliefs on the world at large. We pointed out that this so reeks of rampant  homophobia, something we know at first hand since we are based in  Florida for most of the year.

For example social media platforms such as Facebook (where we have some 131K followers) and X formerly Twitter. and Instagram have now removed all queer/gay/lgbtq+ tags.  It means that we cannot direct our postings or advertising to  our potential audience.  And God forbid we show a photo of so much of an naked ankle,   as  we are immediately  threatened  with  with permanent banishment…. that will include losing the whole  mailing list  we have built up over the years.

Anyway the piece really struck home and within a matter of hours, and on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (May 12) YouTube had completely banished the Queerguru Channel.    One that we have been building up for nine years and included such powerful interviews with the likes of  Larry Kramer, Tab Hunter, Leslie Jordan, and Matthew Shepard’s mother Judy …. and so much much  more.  With just an unsigned email from some anonymous staffer all 1200 videos had  gone  ….. along with almost 6000 subscribers.

So we wanted to share with  you that in future the ONLY place you can see all of QUEERGURU Content COMPLETELY UNCENSORED is on our website www.queerguru.com 

PLUS we will painstakingly put back our collection of videos as soon as we can on a new YOUTUBE CHANNEL and which we would  so love it if you subscribed to that too HERE.  Like the website is completely FREE.


Thenk you so much for your continued  support : it means so much to all of us at Queerguru.

Roger Walker-Dack



Posted by queerguru  at  21:41


4 thoughts on “Banished by the Bigots of YOU TUBE …. but with your continued support QUEERGURU is Bouncing Back”

  1. Dear QueerGuru,
    You deserve any support you can get.
    I love your newsletters and postings.
    Many greetings from Bangkok.

  2. We must all stand up, out, and proud and support the community. Censorship is happening on every social media outlet and trying to keep up with ever-changing terms of service and community standards is putting many people’s businesses and livelihoods at risk.

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