
Jonathan Kemp ‘s ☆☆☆☆☆ review of TILDA SWINTON ANSWERS AN AD ON CRAIGSLIST

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  Tilda Swinton Answers an Ad on Craigslist ☆☆☆☆☆             The Vault Festival Walt (BYRON LANE, who also wrote the script) is at the end of his tether. He hates his job, his cheating boyfriend has dumped him, and the burger he just had delivered has pickles on it, which he … Continue reading

Jonny Ward reviews LEN BLANCO FIRING BLANCS at the Vault Festival

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  Len Blanco – Firing Blancs ☆☆☆ The Vaults Festival Full marks to The Vaults Festival for coming good on inclusiveness and diversity in its programming of this simply vast festival (400+ shows!!). Tonight we are treated to Len Blanco who is a Drag King (a non-binary performance artist dressed in traditionally masculine clothes). It’s … Continue reading

Paula Vogels’ Tony Nominated play INDECENT @Gable Stage

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  The current uncertain political climate makes perfect timing for Paula Vogel’s Tony Nominated play Indecent that deals with the ubiquitousness of homophobia and anti-semitism in such a powerful way. The play is based on the true story of the trials and tribulations of Polish/Yiddish playwright Sholem Asch’s 1906 play God of Vengeance  about an illicit lesbian … Continue reading

Jonny Ward’s ☆☆☆☆☆ review of the “spellbinding” KOMPROMAT

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  Kompromat ☆☆☆☆☆ Vault Festival London is frequently listed as the most popular tourist destination in the world with travellers drawn to the incredible sights such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace and all the pomp and ceremony that goes with it. There is, however, another aspect for which we are becoming famous and that … Continue reading

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