
Queerguru’s TOP PICKS @ Reeling Film Festival

  Chicago’s REELING FILM FESTIVAL is the second longest runnug LGBTQ film festval of its kind , and is a major cultural draw for people all over the Midwest.   With its 37th Edition just about to start, we have scanned our way through the very exciting and diverse program that covers so much of the … Continue reading

Queerguru’s TOP TEN PICKS at OUT ON FILM Atlanta’s LGBTQ Film Festival

  The 32nd Edition of Atlanta’s  OUT ON FILM  LGBTQ Film Festival has already started, but panic not  as it is on for another whole week ending on October 6th.  It’s team of Programers have put together a eclectic and diverse schedule of feature narratives, documentary and shorts. Some of the films are pure entertainment  … Continue reading


  Reeling: Chicago’s LGBTQ+ International Film Festival is the second longest-running film festival of its kind, and has always been one of Queerguru’s favorites.  In this groundbreaking 41st Edition,  the programmers have really gone that extra mile with one of its most diverse and adventurous schedules that seem to run the whole queer spectrum.   Its … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Top Ten Videos to get us through Quarantine

  Rather than being  depressed whilst in self-quarantine, it has actually inspired some very creative folks to make light of their current predicaments.  There has been a real flurry of both hilarious and uplifting music videos which we have ploughed through to come up with our favorite Top Ten this week Starting with MIss Sherry Vine … Continue reading

Queerguru’s very own diva RIS FATAH reviews the new fab DIVA EXHIBIT at London’s V& A Museum

    We all love a diva, and with that in mind, London’s Victoria & Albert Museum has gathered together a huge collection of divas for its latest exhibition, simply titled Diva. The word Diva today can be a compliment or criticism, an aspiration, or a condemnation. Taken from the Latin word for ‘goddess’, the … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:15


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