Saturday, November 5th, 2016

queerguru’s weekly barometer


Each week queerguru takes a brief look at some of the big things that have made us smile and get a real ‘high five’ aka the ice cream emoji, and at the other end of the scale, those things that have really pissed us off and get a very big thumbs downs aka the famous ‘poop’ emoji.

This week’s icecream-e1461449826930include :


Middle : Amy Lame Bottom: Adele & Hillary Clinton


Top : Gay Mormons & Boy George Bottom: Gibraltar & HB2 North Carolina

Boy George
who unfairly often gets a bad rap in the media, proves yet once again what a good soul he really is as he steps in and pays for Pete Burns funeral costs after the singer died penniless. 

The Parliament that governs that spick of rock attached to Spain known as Gibraltar have legalized same sex marriage.

L Whitney Clayton the Leader of the Mormon Church has released a video showing that they are finally warming up to the LGBT community by saying that we are welcome.  Not quite equality BUT it’s a good first step.

Kudos to London’s new Mayor Sadiq Khan for appointing out-gay comedian and broadcaster Amy Lamé as London’s first night czar, tasked with turning the capital into a thriving 24-hour city. 

CoStar Group a real estate research firm rejected re-locating to Charlotte North Carolina because of their transphobic HB2 Law. They invested  their $250 million in Richmond, Virginia instead, for its new research operations center instead. 

ThreeUK were offering free rides to work in London in a carriage pulled by a Unicorn putting a little bit of magic into a boring daily commute.

Every time we read anything about Adele with her heart of gold, we love her even more, and last week she sang Happy Birthday to the next President of the U.S.

This weeks poop-e1461450074400 include:


Top : Peter Thiel, Bottom : Trump gays & Kim Davis


Top : Indonesian Dorm. Bottom: Daily Mail & Tom Daley’s home



The self-loathing Miami Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans still insisting on working to elect Trump when even their National HQ had disowned his candidacy. 

The obnoxious Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi may have got away with using $490K of public funds to fight same sex marriage but Kentucky registrar Kim Davis will need to cough her own money to pay the $233K she ran up refusing to obey the law and do the job she was being paid for. 

Shame on the family of the late Bill Cornwall who wanted to kick his widower Tom Daley out of the house they shared for 50 years and repossess it because of a technicality in the Will.  The Courts however said No Way!

No-one has worked out why openly gay billionaire Peter Thiel has donated $1.25 to Trump and why he felt compelled to hold a Press Conference about it this week.  We do however like how Salon.com summed him up “he’s just another pundit with some tired talking points and a mediocre political mind.”

Indonesia’s Social affairs minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has caused controversy after suggesting that the doors of university dormitories should be removed to prevent same-sex and premarital relationships. DUH!  Someone should tell her that a lot of gay men would love an audience!

The UK homophobic disgrace-of-a-newspaper Daily Mail bad-mouthing one of the senior Judges in the Brexit Case because he was openly gay!



Posted by queerguru  at  12:58

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