Friday, September 2nd, 2016

queerguru weekly barometer


Each week queerguru takes a brief look at some of the big things that have made us smile and get a real ‘high five’ aka the ice cream emoji, and at the other end of the scale, those things that have really pissed us off and get a very big thumbs downs aka the famous ‘poop’ emoji.

This week’s icecream-e1461449826930include :



Fitness model Eric Turner
maybe the only member of his campaign, but with its name, and a body like his, we are more than happy to support Hunks for Hillary.

We applaud Orlando Hospitals for announcing that they will NOT bill the victims of the PULSE shooting for any of their treatments at all.

Rev. Danny Cortez  a Southern Baptist pastor, and as such was not supportive of homosexuality at all, but who fervently changed his tune with this remarkable sermon when his son came out as gay. 

North Korea
for proving it does have a sense of humor after all by naming its own version of Netflix as MANBANG.

La Striesand for having the chutzpah to call up Tim Cook at Apple to get Siri to pronounce her name right.  queerguru was  thinking of doing the sort of the same as the damn woman doesn’t understand a single word we say.

The late fabulous Golden Girl Bea Arthur for leaving enough money in her Will to the Al Forney Centre  to establish a shelter for homeless LGBTQ youth in NY.

The people of Natick, a small suburb of Boston, who decked their homes with rainbow flags as they all rallied around lesbian couple Cari and Lauri Ryding whose home had been vandalized after they flew a flag in support of Pulse, Orlando

London for marking what would have been Freddie Mercury’s 70th Birthday by putting one of their special Blue Commemorative Plaques on the house where he lived in as a teenager.

This weeks poop-e1461450074400 include:


Mark Ruffalo although he told the transgender community ‘It’s wrenching to you see you in this pain’,  he had still cast cisgender openly gay Matt Bomer as a transgender sex worker in the new movie ‘Anything’ 

We are puzzled why Logo is making a song and dance about its new gay dating show starring Robert Sepulveda Jr. an ex rent boy hustler with a very large uncut asset, as it sounds just like any other day on Grindr.

Mike Prior another self-loathing politician who feels the need to apologize for being gay  (but not for being Republican?)

Julian Assange and his wretched Wikileaks for recklessly outing gay people/rape victims/people with HIV and putting their lives at risk by releasing tons of private emails in Saudi Arabia.

Sigourney Coyle, who is starting her freshman year at High School in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, has created a brand new excuse why she is going to fail school this year. …… it is because transgender students will be allowed to change in the same locker as her.  The fact that no-one knows if the school actually has any transgender students isn’t going to stop Ms Coyle for copping out.  













Posted by queerguru  at  09:23

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