Friday, June 3rd, 2016

queerguru weekly barometer


Each week queerguru takes a brief look at some of the big things that have made us smile and get a real ‘high five’ aka the ice cream emoji, and at the other end of the scale, those things that have really pissed us off and get a very big thumbs downs aka the famous ‘poop’ emoji.

This week’s icecream-e1461449826930include :


UK TV channels
for having more LGBT characters than all the US ones out together.

Naura (formerly known as Pleasant Island) one the smallest nations in the world (pop 9000) for decriminalizing homosexuality at last.

God for stocking up on hair lacquer and mascara now that Jan Crouch has gone to stay with Him and Tammy Faye Baker. R.I.P.

Deutsche Bahn,  Germany’s high speed rail company for their new TV advert that celebrates the company’s 25th anniversary with a moving story about a gay soccer player and his boyfriend who goes to great lengths to support him.

This weeks poop-e1461450074400 include:

Untitled design (1)


The Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz,
President of the US Council of Catholic Bishops for a new and very nasty anti-gay video. We’re here. we’re queer …. so just get over it.

Monsignor Tony Anatrella the latest Catholic hypocrite (to be found out). He is the Priest who wrote Vatican’s Anti-Gay Guidelines but now  he has been accused of having sex with male seminarian …. and he is hardly a hot catch.

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert who argued that spending time and resources fighting for equal rights for LGBT people is a waste of time because humanity would never choose same-sex couples to populate a space colony should there come a time when we had to abandon Earth.

Senator Bernie (Are you STILL here) Sanders for allowing his Campaign to make unfounded personal attacks on leading HIV/AIDS Activist Peter Staley after they had a meeting that Sanders had ducked out of a couple of times.  Try Trump instead  Senator Sanders.

U.K.’s National Health Service for saying no to supplying PREP again.


Posted by queerguru  at  18:43

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