Sunday, March 31st, 2024

Father Ethan Alexander Jewett is an Episcopalian Priest who works out at the gym quite religiously



Easter is one of the most important events on the Christian calendar that can stir the hearts and beliefs of even us agnostics. And in this one case potentially stirring much more.

The Episcopalian Church has always been known as more progressive than most, after all it was the first major denomination to promote  Gene Robinson an openly gay priest to the level of bishop. Now it has Father Ethan Alexander Jewett, an episcopal priest based in Pennsylvania,  who works in the Church for about a quarter of his week ,and the rest of the time  he works as the CEO of a non-profit.  And yet some how he manages to spend a great deal of his week at the gym ….. oh did we mention, he’s also a personal trainer

He explains   “Growing up, I was really bullied for being gay,. I was small, skinny, effeminate. Bullied at home and at school.”  However when he got to college he discovered bodybuilding, and he never looked back

It just became really addictive. I really enjoyed it. It was very affirming. Something that I did for myself. I didn’t have to rely on other people’s judgments or standards. And so, I just started doing that when I was 18 and now I’m 52. It’s been my constant companion.”



His hunky physique receives ‘mixed reactions’.  He says he blocks people who post negative comments online.  But then again he receives a lot of attention from guys sliding into his DMs.

I’m just very clear about my boundaries. Like, just because I’m shirtless on Instagram, it doesn’t mean I’m looking for a hook-up. This is Instagram, not Grindr.

Point of reference here, the Father has  been with his partner for the past 35 years. Better still they actually met in Church which just so happens was in  Boystown the gayborhood in Chicago.


Posted by queerguru  at  19:20


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