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Roadside Attractions have just released the first trailer of the much-anticipated movie STONEWALL that is set for a general release in US theaters on 25th September 2015.  The movie written by Jon Robin Baitz (TV’s ‘Brother and Sisters’) and directed Roland Emmerich (‘Independence Day’ “The Day After Tommorrow’) who is openly gay, is a fictional narrative that … Continue reading

Why I Will So Miss Cilla Black

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The news of some celebrity’s deaths hit you hard personally, especially when they are somewhat unexpected. Cilla Black’s was one such case. I mean, it’s tough when you lose someone you grew up with like I did with her.  Not literally of course as I was brought up in a nice squeamishly clean middle-class Methodist Orphanage in the England’s leafy green … Continue reading


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In the after glow of the historic ruling in the US Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage YAHOO NEWS have released a brand new documentary that takes an in-depth look back at our recent past when the for decades the U.S. government systemically persecuted people for just being gay. ‘UNIQUELY NASTY’ is an investigation by … Continue reading

POUTfest TOUR 2015

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Our love of this particular Film Festival starts with its name. The Organisers probably chose it for their own reasons, but in our dictionary ‘pout’ means ‘to purse your lips to look petulant or sexy‘ and these are both very suitable reactions to whenever you watch edgy queer cinema. Hopefully with the selection that they … Continue reading

Top 6 Brazilian Gay Movies

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Brazilian LGBT movies rank amongst the very best of the genre, winning international Awards and finding enthusiastic audiences all over the world.  Here then are our Top 6 Brazilian Gay Movies. 1) Tied in first place is Daniel Ribiero’s debut feature film ‘THE WAY HE LOOKS’ : a heart-warming coming-of-age tale about Leo a blind teenager who is shocked to discover … Continue reading

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