Friday, October 21st, 2016

queerguru weekly barometer


Each week queerguru takes a brief look at some of the big things that have made us smile and get a real ‘high five’ aka the ice cream emoji, and at the other end of the scale, those things that have really pissed us off and get a very big thumbs downs aka the famous ‘poop’ emoji.

This week’s icecream-e1461449826930include :


Left : Dallas Steel , Right: Chancey Peach



Top: Zac Efron and Chris Hemsworth. Btm : Diversity on TV



Top: Alan Turing and Nigel Adams .       Btm President Klaus Iohannis    and PREP


Australian people for electing 28 year old Chansey Paech their first openly gay indigenous man to Parliament.  “I am young, I am gay, I am black  ….I own it and wear it with pride.”  (He’s also handsome too)

If you want a new Boyfriend then maybe you should try Germany as according to a new report out this week they have the largest LGBT population in the whole of Europe…. and there must be at least one or two of them who are single.

Who knew that FOX News even employed hot looking men as newscasters?  Evidently their viewers don’t appreciate them (!) so when Jim Walker was told just this after 23 years, he simply got some butt implants and re-invented himself as gay porn star Dallas Stevens where people love ALL his talents.

Britain’s national broadcaster the BBC has told program makers to go gayer.  They rightly say they will no longer commission shows unless they employ a representative amount of ethnic minorities, the disabled and LGBT people.  You Go Girl!

When Nicholas Ray was a contestant on The Voice, he never made it past the audition rounds, but in his private life he proved himself a winner when he crooned his version of My Guy when he married Braxton his boyfriend. Get your kleenex out.


Zac Efron, James Marsden and Chris Hemsworth painted their nails this week as they took part in the #polishedman campaign, organized by the Australian nonprofit YGAP to raise awareness about violence against children.

The British Government may not be able to turn back time and right wrongs when it comes to Brexit, but at least with the new Turing Bill it aims to pardon the 50,000 gay sex convictions from the bad old days.  The Bill is named after Alan Turing the World War Two code-breaker, who was prosecuted for a relationship with another man.

British Tory MP Nigel Adams made a powerful apology to Parliament saying he was wrong to have voted against same-sex marriage years ago. It makes a very refreshing change to politicians own up for a change.

Norway has become the first country to offer free PREP

Dorothy’s red shows that took her down the Yellow Brick Road are now 67 years old and not looking their best.  So four days ago The Smithsonian Museum started a Kickstarter Campaign to raise $300,000 (!) to restore them to their former beauty. They have already raised over $240,000, proving that the LGBT community are so not just in Kansas anymore.

Kudos to President Klaus Iohannis of Romania for speaking up and calling  for “tolerance and acceptance” of the country’s LGBT community Wednesday as the nation’s highest court decides whether or not to legally recognize the same-sex marriage between a U.S. citizen and a Romanian man.

This weeks poop-e1461450074400 are very few because we are avoiding the (election) elephant in the room :


Wikileak’s Julian Assange who has been holed up in thedown1 Ecuadorean Embassy in London for over three years to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face rape charges, has had his internet access cut off.  Hillary Clinton will recover from the recent outpouring of emails he has leaked to damage her candidacy, but the information he leaked from the Saudi Foreign Ministry will actual cost gay man and women their lives.  (It has cost the British Government about $18million dollars just to protect Assange so far.)



Posted by queerguru  at  11:35

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