Friday, July 15th, 2016

queerguru weekly barometer


Each week queerguru takes a brief look at some of the big things that have made us smile and get a real ‘high five’ aka the ice cream emoji, and at the other end of the scale, those things that have really pissed us off and get a very big thumbs downs aka the famous ‘poop’ emoji.

This week’s icecream-e1461449826930include :

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Dolly Parton promises Gay Dance Album, featuring future classic, ‘I’m a Wee Bit Gay’ which is great as we are all a little bit Dolly.



Conor Anthony McGregor, the Irish professional mixed martial artist who is currently signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), posed naked for ESPN Magazine’s “Body Issue,” then put a photo of the shoot on his Instagram account.

Brazilian telenova Liberdade, Liberdade set in the 19th Century had some (rather tame) 21st Century gay sex this week : the first ever on a Soap Opera in that country.

Cleveland City Council  passed a measure last week that gives transgender people the right to choose the restroom, shower or locker room that matches their gender identity without any fear of discrimination.  Just in time for the Republican Convention.

Primetime EMMY Nominations for lots of LGBT  TV stars, including RuPaul for the first time, but hats off to (straight) veteran actress Judith Light for her ‘nod’ for playing  Jeffrey Tambor’s ex-wife in the transgender comedy drama Transparent.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for always saying how it is : we owe her BIG time.

Prince Harry for following in his mother’s footsteps and trying to erase the stigma of HIV & AIDS by having a very public HIV Test live on Facebook this week.


This weeks poop-e1461450074400 include:

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GOP Party Convention for the most anti-LGBT platform in even their party’s history

If you think Trump is bad, check this out and you will see that you get more homophobia for 1 Pence than you do with 50 Cents.

It’s official: @realDonaldTrump just chose Mike Pence as his running mate. Here’s what you need to know about him.

A video posted by Hillary Clinton (@hillaryclinton) on

Bermuda’s Parliament voted by 20-10 to pass the Bill that ensures marriage remains as solely between a man and a woman. 

Nick Bowling, 28, is accused of killing his on-and-off boyfriend Frank Rogers, 48, at a sober living home in L.A.’s Echo Park neighborhood.  The last time Bowling was in trouble was 2 years ago when he stole a Police Car, smashed it into Starbucks, and lost both his legs. (I’m trying to keep a straight face writing this..)


Radio Host Michael Savage who rushed to the defense of Fox News Boss Roger Ailes who is being sued for sexual harrasment ranted on his show that ‘Straight, heterosexual, white, male, Christians’ are the most oppressed in society,’

Posted by queerguru  at  16:52

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