Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Advanced Style : Older & Wiser


Ari Seth Cohen has been hanging out with old ladies again.  The photographer/filmmaker and style blogger who showed us a new way of looking at seniors when he profiled the most stylish set of unique and outrageous women who defied tradition in their attitude to life in his documentary and book Advanced Style, is back.  He has a new tome out this week called Older and Wiser,  and whilst we may dispute the later part of the title, it’s great to see new images of some of his original gang, and a very more highly individual women who delight in setting their own rules when it comes on how to dress.


The book will also feature around 10 short essays (by the subjects of the book) distilling the wisdom and lifestyle secrets of some of Cohen’s favorite Advanced Style ladies, and has a forward written by Simon Doonan the Creative Ambassador-at-Large of Barneys.


This time the men get a look in and Cohen shows that they can be sartorial seniors too

 Untitled design
He also made a short documentary starring his male peacock mates  too.

(all photos Ari Seth Cohen)

Advanced Style : Older & Wiser available at Amazon

Advanced Style : documentary (reviewed by queerguru) available Netflix & Amazon etc. 

515lfKNZOZL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_P.S. And if you really cannot get enough there is always the Advanced Style Coloring Book where you can (try to) make the ladies even more colorful .

And always remember the very sage words of Sue Kreitzman, one of Cohen’s ladies  ‘Don’t wear beige: it might kill you.’


Posted by queerguru  at  17:49


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