Sunday, April 10th, 2016

A Park full of (really big) Penises


If you’re pining for more penis on your next vacation, then queerguru knows about the perfect place for you. It’s in South Korea and is officially known as Haeshindang Park (??? ??) but everyone actually simply calls it Penis Park. Evidently there is a really good reason for the world’s biggest display of phallus statutes (!) and it’s not what you think.


A fisherman left his young lover sitting on a rock whilst he went off to work. A storm came and she died, and legend has it since then the villagers could no longer catch any fish. So naturally they did the So they did the only thing you can do when a virgin dies in a storm, and they built giant wooden penises to appease her spirit. Who knows what they would have actually called the penises as there are so many Male Anatomy Crazy Terms out there. And guess what, it worked, and they started to catch fish again. Then they got greedy and wanted even more fish so they erected more penises ….. and that is their story, and they are sticking to it. Speaking of penis park, if you’re interested in exploring real penises and want some top quality porn websites that’ll let you see a lot more of them. You can also pay for porn with Paypal now. What a world we live in.

Untitled design (4)

enhanced-buzz-27715-1378737928-35Penises in the park come in all shapes and sizes …. mainly large and extra-large …. and are never droopy (!) and are used in ways that we could never imagine …. like these wind chimes for example.

Or perhaps like these seats for senior citizens ….enhanced-buzz-31892-1378735756-5

Posted by queerguru  at  09:31

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