Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

The real downside of Pride Month : Rainbow Washing



Pride Month 2023 is here and big brands are switching gear to monetize the rainbow. In the last decade alone it’s clear to see companies have caught onto the fact that LGBTQI+ folks, well… actually buy things. In fact, we buy quite a lot of things. Enough things, that companies have realized that it might actually be worthwhile to try and appeal to us so we start buying their things as well. And thus, Rainbow Washing was born.


What Is Rainbow Washing?

Rainbow washing, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is: “The act of using or adding rainbow colors and/or imagery to advertising, apparel, accessories, landmarks… in order to indicate progressive support for LGBTQ equality (and earn consumer credibility)—but with a minimum of effort or pragmatic result.” In layman’s terms, rainbow washing is when a business, conglomerate or other for-profit organization uses the rainbow Pride colors to suggest to consumers that they support the LGBTQI+ community, without having to put in actual effort or produce a tangible outcome for queer folk.

During June, companies that engage in rainbow washing will transform into colorful hubs, with bright, rainbow versions of their logo on social media. Their advertising and feeds may “highlight” local members of the LGBTQI+ community, featuring them wearing their seasonal “Pride” merch or other company apparel, without paying (or underpaying) the queer talent involved. They might drop the rainbow flag colors across their advertising to catch your eye and entice you into their stores. Or they might allude to Queer organizations they support, without bringing out the receipts to prove it. Then BOOM—July rolls around and everything switches back to business as usual while they walk away with your hard-earned queer cash. 

REPRINTED from The Eagle London

Posted by queerguru  at  11:00

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