Sunday, September 8th, 2019

The Captains Daughters : a menu of tea and talk


When  the QUEERGURU is not out filming in PTown (we’ve shot 100 videos this summer alone) or are in our office editing or working on our next story, we can be found every single afternoon at The Captains Daughters.  (Well, except for the rainy ones naturally)

We’ve been working our way steadily through the vast selection of fine teas, and at the same time doing our level best not to get involved in any of the gossip that either of the Daughters are eager to share.

In the three years their Store has been open, it has very quickly become a go-too place for the superbly curated collection on clothing and accessories that they have developed personally with a wealth of extraordinarily talented and innovative designers .

Every visit there is always some delectable new goodies to see …..along with the gossip which we steadfastly avoid,

Here’s a wee video from Hawks Visual which is their latest @mycapecodstory  and which so perfectly captures  how these two women, our friends Meghan O’Connor  and Dani Niedzielskileft their high flying corporate jobs as Marc Jacobs executives to start their own piece of heaven in Ptowns East End 

Posted by queerguru  at  11:49

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