Monday, February 24th, 2020

Patti Gonia : the environmental advocate drag queen who loves Mother (Natch) Nature


Wyn Wiley says his life changed for ever  after he put on his first pair of 6 inch high heeled boots and back packed.  Nebraska country boy Wyn is better known as Patti Gonia environmental advocate drag queen.  He may be very serious about what is important to him but this truly unique and disarmingly charming drag queen has such an infectious sense of humor that he just makes you want to know more of what he is all about.

We first came across Patti when we discovered his video ‘EVERYTHING TO LOSE which in just two months went viral clocking up over 1.5 million hits.  This is a stunning video which literally leaves you breathless and features a spoken word poem by Pattie Gonia.  It calls on people to reflect on the impact their actions have on Mother Nature (or as Pattie says, “Mother Natch”). She says now is the time to change our behaviors and take positive action.    Check it out here .



Since 28 year old photographer Wyn’s first apparition as Patti in 2018 he has been discovered by a lot of the world who beat us to him. Vogue, Elle and Backpacker etc have featured him, and when he happen to mention he loves to dance oi Fergie, even she became his fan.  Check out this 30 minute film below which tells you what Wyn/Patti is all about, and we guarantee at the end you’ll be subscribing this Youtube Channel yourself and be wanting to join one of his rather fabulous hikes.

In a world where there is way to much negativity it such a refreshing change to discover a new optimistic voice like this.  The fact that he is not ‘entirely unattractive” (!) doesnt hurt too. 


Posted by queerguru  at  14:20


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