Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Looking for a LESBIAN BAR ? Try Paris they still have 4!


Last October Queerguru wrote about the docu-series that Lea Delaria had produced for the Lesbian Bar Project that carried the shocking news that in 2020 there were just 21 LESBIAN BARS remaining in the US.  OutTraveler says that now risen to a grand total of 26, and NY has the most with 3 still open for business.

However thanks to Nonchalent Magazine, (the Indie Mag for Queer Women) we have learned that Europe s is doing better,  well at least Paris is,  with a mere 25% of the NY population it boasts 4 bars for lesbians and WTW. LGBTQ+ rights in France have always been among some of the most progressive in the world. The first French Revolution decriminalized homosexuality by the  Penal Code of 1791 and when an age of consent was introduced on 28 April 1832. for all sexualities, It was fixed to 11 years. !!!

Anyway, Paris’s oldest Lesbian Bar having opened in the 1970s’ is  La Champmesle,  at 4 Rue Chabanais, 75002 Paris.  With its deep blue bar, and beautiful art on the wall, there is plenty of drinking and dancing, cabaret shows, and even tarot reading on Tuesday.  The bar was opened by Josy and she’s still in attendance.

La Mutinerie  (176, Rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris) is self-described as “a feminist bar, a space run by and for us queers, women, trans people, dykes, and bis.” The bar is run by a collective composed of women and trans people. It’s a safe space with solidarity, self-determination and consent as its core values.  La Mutinerie is a bar situated in Le Marais, a historic district  (and Queergurus’ favorite) that became a center of LGBTQIA+ culture in the 1980s. 

La Mutinerie celebrates queer culture and queer artists, there you’ll be able to enjoy a night out with music, dancing and drinks, but La Mutinerie is also a queer space that fosters political discussions and actions with creative writing workshops, self-defense classes, queer feminist stand-up, and drag shows.  

Just a minute’s walk from La Mutinerie you’ll find Le Bar’Ouf, 182 Rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris. It was founded by two women, who wanted to share their love with others. Stepping inside Le Bar’ouf, feels like coming home, there’s a warmth and simplicity to it, it’s a celebration of friendship and there you’ll experience first-hand the French “convivialité”. 

One of the things which makes le Bar’Ouf stand out is the number of games you’ll be able to play, or lose at, there; card and board games, billiard, and even scrabble.



Le Bonjour Madame , 40 rue de Montreuil 75011 Paris is a cultural bar rooted in political activism and feminism. The bar often hosts concerts, art and burlesque shows but also workshops, classes and many debates on topics such as gender and trans identity, decolonization, sexual violence or climate awareness. 

Le Bonjour Madame is an inclusive and welcoming place where you’ll be able to deconstruct social expectations and gender roles amongst other women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The Bar gives you the opportunity to take actions, to contribute, to add your stone to the edifice of social change. 

Posted by queerguru  at  13:24


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