Thursday, April 16th, 2020

BARE MEN : The Group Show goes Online


Who knows when we’ll get back to IRL exhibits but for now, online exhibits and virtual viewings are a wonderful way to share and view art…

Abigail Ekue Photography is proud to present a virtual viewing of Bare Men: The Group Show, a male nude photography exhibit. The group exhibit was on view from September 29 to October 4, 2019 at The Living Gallery in Brooklyn, New York. 

Curatorial Statement : “Since the dawn of my Bare Men series, I’ve been working to end the taboo of the male nude — full-frontal, all bodies, erections — and the men who inhabit those bodies. What draws me to nudes is how much of a person’s spirit we’re shown.

For Bare Men: The Group Show, I invited and selected photographers whose imagery was intimate, delicate, raw, erotic, evocative. The work I was drawn to took my breath away. Photographers who are daring, pushing boundaries or those that are elevating the classic nude tropes.

I chose photography as the sole medium for this show because it is the most censored when it comes to the male nude.

When I’m working with men for my Bare Men series or with private clients, I love the process of seeing them strip the armor of “being a man” in society. They are free to express their personal masculinity. The artists in Bare Men: The Group Show exhibit many expressions of masculinity through their photography and self portraiture.

This exhibit forces the viewer to face the face of the male nude. The viewer is asked to confront any hang-ups they may have towards the male nude or even nudity, in general, and appreciate that there is art in the male nude. Art that we all have a hand in creating.”


Tim Foley (Astoria, NY) I Fuck America and America Fucks Me (self portrait), 2017


DearIndifference (Youngstown, OH) “Torso” (self portrait), An Exploration of Contradictions, 2014


Adam Burke (Seattle, WA) Venus, 2017


Arnold Barretto (Brooklyn, NY) Untitled 6, 2018


The online gallery can be found here: https://www.baremen.net/online-bare-men-group-show

Posted by queerguru  at  12:12


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