
Leading Ladies : a film by Ruth Caudeli

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  For her latest feature film, Spanish queer filmmaker Ruth Caudeli continues with her fixation with ‘navel-gazing’ which was the topic of her sophomore movie Second Star On The Right.  Leading Ladies, filmed in Colombia,  is the tale of five young women who have gathered together for a celebratory dinner for one of their number … Continue reading

Nowhere : a queer Colombian/American ill-fated love story

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  Kleenex alert for this queer Colombian/American touching movie of young love that gets tested to breaking point by the US Immigration authorities. This is story of two young gay Colombians,  Adrian (Miguel González) and Sebastian (Juan Pablo Castiblanco) who landed themselves their first jobs after college in NY.  The film starts with showing us … Continue reading

The Firefly

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From Colombia, not a country that one usually associates with LGBT movies, comes this very touching melodrama about two women who are mourning the recent tragic death of the same man, and who surprise themselves with how things develop when they get together to share their loss.   Andres (Manuel José Chávez) had been estranged from … Continue reading


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In 2005 Porfirio Ramirez Aldana’s name was splashed across the headlines and on all the television broadcasts in Colombia for his audacious and foolhardy criminal act.  What made it even more sensational was the fact he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair at the time. In Alejandro Landes’s extraordinary new film the details of the … Continue reading

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