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It’s tough making a comedy about a young man (Adam) who discovers he has a rare form of cancer with only a 50% chance of survival.   This heartfelt attempt is derived from  the true story of David Reiser, who wrote the screenplay and based it on his real-life friendship with comic actor Seth Rogan … Continue reading


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We Brits don’t usually like our treasured classics tempered with especially by foreigners (God forbid!) so I approached this new re-make of John Le Carrie’s consummate thriller ‘Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy’ with caution.  This old-school spy story set in the scary Cold War period in the 1960’s which has more than a hint of truth … Continue reading

LIFE 2 :0

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For the people who just do not like the life that they have ended up with, there is now another way out.  They can join the 20 million people who have become  ‘Second Lifer’s’ and create their own avatar in a cyber make-believe world where they can be anything/body they want.  Jason Spingarn-Koff’s morbidly curious documentary … Continue reading


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A fascinating thriller that in its plot pitches good (Israel’s Mossed Secret Service) against evil (a notorious Nazi War Criminal) and in its telling, which flashes back between the past and the future, and pitches 3 excellent older actors against young ‘un’s playing the younger versions of their characters. The Debt is a great story … Continue reading


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This coming-of-age story tells of two teenage girls, who are best friends, dealing with all the restrictions of growing up in Iran today.  The girls are exploring their emerging sexuality as they become part of Tehran’s underground party scene. When an older brother straight out of drug rehab becomes a religious zealot and even joins … Continue reading

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