dramatized reallife
To Brits of a certain age, particularly Londoners, despite their acts of unspeakable violence the Kray Brothers have always been considered with great affection as part of the folklore of the East End in the 1950’s and the 1960’s. Their exploits filled the tabloid newspapers at the time, as despite their thinly veiled gangster activities…
It takes the arrival of Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber) the new Editor from New York to kickstart The Boston Globe into re-visiting the newspaper’s coverage to date of the rumors that have been circulating for years about local priests sexually abusing young children. In this fiercely traditional Catholic city, the Church’s power and influence is…
One of the more difficult aspects to swallow regarding the un-level playing fields of the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign were rather scurrilous claims regarding Senator John Kerry’s Vietnam War record. They proved to be totally unfounded but only after they had caused unrepairable damage. At the very same time there questions were raised about the…
Party Girl
A weary and desolate Angélique Litzenburger a 60 year old dance-club hostess and former stripper sits nursing yet another drink at the bar and declares to her younger co-workers ‘I was a superstar!’ The trouble is that although she is way past her prime, she is still partying as hard as she did in her youth it’s simply that…